
Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

I'm coming guys....hahahhaa

hiiii bloggers, I'm sorry bcs I never posting anything here anymore. I was so busy lately -__- all of my activities in my college made ​​me quite stressed of all of that activities!!!!!! start from interview test to joined an accounting community in Polytechnic Sriwijaya, but it had already done, I don't know how bad the result of that interview test hahahaha and the other side why did I can't post something in here because......hmmmmm my modem out of pulse =)) hahhaa
Now, I'm writing a post in here from my mom's workspace before I'm going to a course to my lecture's house :p exactly, there are so many thing that I want to share in this blog, but I'm so lazyto post something in english -____- sorry :') HAHAHAHA
Okay that's all, now it's time to me to finish my homework ;) thank guys....

Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012

my family is my life and my inspiration

Hey guys, now I want you to know about some people around me, especially my family. I have a mom that always taking care all of us in this house. My mom's name is Ruhul Umami, she's the most beautiful woman in this world, yeaaah like me I'm a cute, sweet and also beautiful like my mom :p and she has a loyal husband, he is my father. My father's name is Muhammad Zen, he is a wise man for all of his children and his wife. One thing that he always says to us that "all of us must be dicipline". We have to be disciplined in everything. And both of my daddy and mommy have 3 children, and I'm the oldest of all of children that my parents have and the second is the only son that my parents have. Yes he is my brother, named Abdi Aulia Nugraha. Now he is in the first grade of senior high school 6 Palembang. He always make me annoyed everyday, everytime at home. But even so, sometimes he's also very kind to me -_- hahaha and the last and also the youngest children is my sister. We called her with "Rani" and her real name is Rizki Amalia Maharani, now she's still in a elementary school. Okey that's all about my family, all of us were so proud that was born in this family and having a big family, later I'll try to tell you about my big family :p xixi
this is my mom

mommy and daddy

my sisty, Rani

my brother

my daddy and mommy :p

I love both of them!

Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

Introducing about my self

Hello I'll let you know about my self :p
My name is Rizki Pratiwi and I was born in Palembang on 4th of December 1994.I live in this city since I was born in here and I've never leave this city.
I had already used this media social "blogger" but it was so long time ago when I was in a junior high school hahhaa I've made it long time ago and done a lesson about blogger that my teacher gave to all of student in Junior High School 19 Palembang.
I don't know what will I write in here again, I just wanna start to write what's in my mind, whatever it is. Maybe it's about all of my day that will full about happy, worry, funny, sad, confused and anything else that can make me want to share in here xixixi :$
And I will try to write in here use an english, not because I'm good at english but because I want to increase my english writing and sharing whatever in my mind in english. 
And if there are so many mistakes that I'll make in this blogger, I'd like to say sorry for every mistakes that I will make. 
Oh yeah I forgot to tell you about my nickname, I have so many nickname that all of people around me called with different name in every place. All of my big family called me with "Oki" and all of my friends in kindergarten and elementary school called me with "Oki" too, but start from junior high school my friends called me with "Kikik" and next when I was in a senior high school every people there called me with "Kicik" that's nickname was so popular -____- yeah you knew why lah :') my posture wasn't big, but I'm not small I think huaaahhh!!! its so kejam :') but it's also nice to make my name different from another RIZKI huahahahhaa.....oke thank you that's all for this first opportunity to share some little things about me ;))