
Selasa, 29 Oktober 2013

Masih saja berdiri dengan kebodohan

Sorry nih this night I just wanna share something that I couldn't tell to anyone cause I'm shy.... I'm affraid that people around me bored to hear anything that come from my love story.
I think every person that read all of my posts in this blog will bored too, read about the same person in almost all of my posts.
I'm tired to think about him that never try to understand what should he do to make me release him, leave him without any pain.
Yap! just to make his promise be real, not only talking and making some promise that never be real. End your relationship with her, so I can life happily without any pain and nightmare anymore about her!!!
Maybe I'm stupid...yeah you're right. But this isn't about love anymore but something that couldn't tell specificly. I hope you know what i meant. Thank you bloggy, nite 

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